Henry Rollins – Letter to a Young American (Part 1)


I haven’t produced any new work due to holiday travel and apartment hunting (in NYC nonetheless….yikes!). Even so, I still feel compelled to post something of substance.

I’m a huge fan of Henry Rollins. I grew up listening to punk, and Black Flag was one of my favorite bands. Unlike most punk artists which disappear into obscurity after their 15 minutes of fame, Mr. Rollins has consistently remained in the limelight through published literature and spoken word.

This is a video in which Rollins’ addresses America’s disadvantaged youth who, unlike privileged others, have had to struggle to achieve their dreams. It’s quiet inspirational. And although it’s directed towards a younger generation, it still contains various nuggets of wisdom about following one’s dream and passion, which applies to all ages. My favorite quote:

“If you have an idea of what you want to do in your future, you must go at it with almost monastic obsession…”


If you like this, check out his other videos here. Big Think also has other speakers which you may enjoy. Bill Nye’s series is another favorite of mine.