

In another recent hiatus, I have not published a post in a while. Life gets hectic and things that one does not anticipate unfortunately spring up. I still don’t have access to Photoshop or Illustrator, which kind of limits my creative expression. However, in lieu of digital art programs, I  occasionally produce work via hand.

Above is my rendering of a Marcus Aurelius bust. I recently revisited his ‘Meditations‘ and was inspired to create the above image. ‘Meditations‘ is like cold pizza. It’s great when you first pick it up and just as good (if not better) when you revisit it at a later date.

In ‘Book One: Debts and Lessons,’ Marcus addresses many of the individuals (and Gods) who have influenced him in one way or another. Two individuals and their respective lessons that inspire me are:

8. Apollonius

Independence and unvarying reliability, and to pay attention to nothing, no matter how fleetingly, except the logos [rational thought and/or God]. And to be the same in all circumstances – intense pain, the loss of a child, chronic illness. And to see clearly, from his example, that a man can show both strength and flexibility.

9. Sextus

… Not to display anger or other emotions. To be free of passion and yet full of love.

I’m hoping that this piece will get the momentum going and allow me to continue posting. I forgot how rewarding this process can be.

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