Intuition – Sculpture of a Woman

Sculpture of Woman OriginalSculpture of Woman

As I get older, I find myself attempting to fine-tune my intuition. Whether it’s through daily meditation or simply walking on a treadmill with my eyes closed, I’m practicing shutting off one internal sensory mechanism and learning how to just feel. This is more of an emotional exercise above all else. As a very visual person, I am easily swayed emotionally and psychologically by the things I see around me. Closing my eyes for a period of time allows me to just feel without it being the reaction of an after-thought or knee jerk reaction to visual stimuli. To me, this is what intuition is all about.

This is a random painting I made based on a photograph of a female sculpture. There’s no complex explanation about the subject matter; it’s simply what I just felt like painting. My intuition helped me create this painting.