Mantra Mat

Mantra Mat

Over the course of last year, I began incorporating a new method into my daily meditation practice. It involved drawing the mantra or spiritual imagery I was focusing on for that given day. For example, if I felt a sense of confusion in my life and needed some sort of clarity or purpose, my mantra for that day would be trust (i.e., trust in the universe, trust in myself in unknown circumstances/situations, trust that I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be, etc.).

I would either repeat this mantra to myself or listen to a guided spiritual audio file that best fit the theme of trust. After my mediation, I put my mantra into practice by drawing the word or imagery on my yoga mat. The resulting byproduct is a catalog of the daily mantras or imagery I focus on while I meditate. It helps me bring life to the positive affirmations I repeat to myself. I hope to continue this process, and maybe even expand into doing it for others. Namaste.

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