Strelitzia (Bird of Paradise Flower)

With little time left these days to paint (and even less time to come up with ideas to paint), inspiration has become a luxury. So instead of wasting precious time on subject matter conceptualization, I looked to Swetha’s most recent post TRANSITION: A JOURNAL / PART THREE for inspiration.

Finding inspiration in her post wasn’t hard. Her multitude of drawings/entries reminded me to “just do it.” Analysis paralysis is real, and something I am learning to let go of. Looking at all her drawings/entries inspired me to just create (instead of getting hung up on developing a perfect concept or composition).

This is painting of a Bird of Paradise flower or Strelitzia.


Bird of Paradise Flower

2 thoughts on “Strelitzia (Bird of Paradise Flower)

  1. Dustin! I’m so sorry I’ve been MIA — I just started grad school and haven’t had much time to myself at all. I just wanted to say that I absolutely LOVE this piece! It actually reminded me of my lotus drawings for two reasons: the first (and perhaps most obvious) is the color palette, but the second is far more intriguing because I don’t think I ever mentioned it: There’s a lotus pond near our house in India that always fascinated me because of the stark contrast between the murky water and pretty flowers. I was thinking about that pond a lot while attempting my lotus drawings and the atmosphere that you created here is exactly how I pictured it!

    This piece is absolutely stunning and ethereal, and I’m honored that you found my journal inspiring enough to create this!

    I have a week off from school so I’m hoping to come up with something over the next few days — once I get over my own analysis paralysis, that is. 🙂 Meanwhile, would you mind if I reposted this and your Ganesha piece on my blog?

    • No worries! Working in the type of work that I do, I completely understand the dynamics of leisure time.

      I’m glad you enjoy the piece. You and I seem to have similar sensibilities, so not surprised that I like your work and you like mine 🙂 That’s a great story! Stark contrasts are what make life, no? Ups and downs, peaks and valleys, good and bad, etc. I guess its about being able to go through it all without vehemently identifying with either side. Isn’t wellbeing according to the Buddha defined by a state of neither pushing away the things that repel us or grasping or clinging to the things that provide pleasure?

      I totally don’t mind if you repost, since it was a joint creative effort 🙂 Especially if it helps to stimulate some creative ideas for your next project. Let me know how it goes!

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