First Podcast – Malcolm X & Self Help

Excited to announce my first podcast!

I’m inspired by self-help and personal development. I also love listening to spoken word and speeches from historical figures. I was listening to one of Malcolm X’s speeches and the idea for this podcast came to mind. Hope you like it, and I look forward to making another one.


4 thoughts on “First Podcast – Malcolm X & Self Help

  1. I really enjoyed this! Your interpretation was flawless, and I found your thoughts to be very intriguing. Self-sufficiency is something that I continue to struggle with, even though logically I realize that one must be at peace with oneself before anything else. As you said, there are a myraid of reasons that lead to seeking gratification from somewhere else — some that are so deeply embedded that they’re difficult to pinpoint. Do you think it’s ever possible to achieve complete self-satisfaction, without the risk of falling back into prior habits the moment an opportunity presents itself?

    Your comment about the loftiness of unconditional love made me laugh, because it’s one of those ideals that I swear by. Spiritually, this works out — the ability to love someone with no strings attached is fulfilling in its own way. In practical terms though, your assertion that one person always ends up happier than the other is one of those awful truths that I find myself constantly trying to escape from.

    By the way, I’m not sure if this was intentional, but it seemed pretty apparent to me that you were thinking of a relationship just by the way you said the word when you were first talking about various institutions — there’s a very subtle but telling difference in your tone which I found really interesting!

    Anyway, all this is to say that I loved this podcast and am blown away by how articulate you are. Great job, and I look forward to more!

    • Thanks again for checking out my work. Always glad to read your input! It’s actually quite strange that you pointed out the shift in my tone when I mentioned relationships. That’s the first thing that popped into my mind as a result of listening to this speech. However, I quickly realized that the beauty of the message was that it really can be applied to so many aspects in one’s life. So even though this hits close to home for me in the relationship department, I think it still contains enough malleability to apply itself to any situation. Institutions are essentially things, and things are all around us if that makes sense haha.

      The loftiness of love was an observation of how many notions are taken for granted in relationships. I find the dynamic of two people in love to be very interesting, since there is so much more than what’s on the surface. People just chose to conveniently ignore them or are blissfully unaware of them. I was one of those persons, and am grateful for learning the value of what lies underneath the seemingly obvious face of love and relationships. After all, we are all unique individuals with varying experiences and thought processes. It can’t all possibly be that simple, but that’s exactly what makes it exciting!

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