
Above are some pictures I took this past weekend. Photography is a new hobby of mine and one that I’ve grown very passionate about. It’s a new artistic medium for me to explore and learn. Ongoing knowledge is something we should all strive for, regardless of what capacity or to what degree.

As an autodidact, I’ve taught myself to draw, paint, play guitar, and surf. Now I’d like to learn photography. Learning by oneself can be difficult, as obvious learning curves can exist for the amateur or novice. However, we need to cultivate a sense of confidence when approaching new tasks. Recall this anecdotal truth: if someone has done it before, it can be done again or is humanly possible. The opposite of this truth is “it can’t be done” or “it is impossible.” Many people take the latter to be true by default because of intimidation, laziness, or complacency. I’m choosing not to be bullied by any of these and if I have to take pictures using automatic mode until I master manual settings then so be it! I’m not afraid of what others think and I’m happy to put the learner’s cap on. I don’t know everything and I’m not perfect. No one is. So try that thing you’ve always wanted to but never have and remember to use those training wheels with pride. With time, you won’t be needing them for much longer.


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