
Intuition is a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning. This is also known as a “hunch” or “gut feeling.” Intuition is easy to explain and impossible to ignore.

It’s easy to explain since it’s a mechanism that operates outside the rational thinking realm of the brain. The “I just can’t quite put my finger on it, but I know it’s (blank)” alludes to the fact that this sensation cannot be explained by sheer logic. Hence an overwhelming feeling versus a constructed thought.

It is impossible to ignore in that it’s a nagging sensation. If it truly exists within a person during periods of decision making, it is something that must be taken into consideration. Whether one chooses to follow or ignore this feeling, acknowledgement of it is still occurring so it cannot be 100% dismissed.

I’m positing this observation since I’m genuinely curious as to intuition’s origin: physiological or learned behavior? The answer to this question would determine whether intuition is something that can be trained. Meaning, is there a way to strengthen our intuition “muscle” so that at every moment in our lives we can live according to this guiding voice and what would that look like?

Just a set of ideas to throw out into the world wide web…

(The accompanying photos [except the one of me in the ocean] are ones I took based on intuition)