Fashion Ad Collage


Similar to my previous post, I constructed another collage using leftover magazines. For this project, I chose to use iconic fashion brands such as Chanel, Versace, Hermes, etc. However, instead of keeping the advertisements intact (which would benefit the fashion houses by adding extra consumer exposure), I chose to obscure the brands and logos. You can still make out which some of these brands are, so it is a tongue-in-cheek approach.

As an avid street and graffiti art aficionado, I am consumed by individuals who repurpose and/or alter their existing environments. Some may consider this an eyesore. Others (like myself) view it as an unconventional beautification process.That’s the inspiration for this piece.

I took existing images and reused them to create a fresh new abstraction. My preservation of some identifiable images is an homage to process involved in creating this piece. Symbolically, it’s a nostalgic nod to the past and a hopeful aspiration toward the future.

I have created several of these and will be posting subsequent finished products.

I like ‘Isaac Likes’

I recently came across this fashion/style blog, Isaac Likes, and was very impressed with its aesthetics, content, and cool-as-a-cucumber approach. So naturally, I began sifting through older posts and stumbled upon this interesting piece. It’s about Isaac’s move to The Big Apple. Interestingly, he moved here at the same age I did, 27. The experiences and emotions he chronicles are very similar to mine, which is a relief since I’ve had moments when I thought to myself ‘Why did I move to NYC?’ But alas, he highlights the exceptional opportunities that are to be had here, if you work hard and seek them out. I’m a firm believer in fate, now let’s see where this life takes me…

The Style Blogger


The Style Blogger

As with most things in life, great things are usually ‘hit or miss.’ The Style Blogger exemplifies this. Dan Trepanier’s eye for male fashion and style is exceptional. Personally though, there are some outfits on his blog/site which are questionable. But for the most part, every new update leaves me pleasantly surprised (and wishing I had more funds to invest in awesome threads). TSB is definitely a hit in my book.

Nick Wooster


Nick Wooster

Personally, there are few people who embody coolness and a sensibility for fashion as well as Nick Wooster does. His wardrobe personifies luxury, ruggedness, and urban chic. His blog, albeit slightly sexually engrossed with masculine beauty, is a great collection of art, fashion, and overall creativity.

I bumped into him in person in NYC, and he was very nice and approachable. Those are great qualities to have when you’re well-know in a certain industry.

I hope when I get to his age, I retain my style and individuality as well as he does.