Gym Rat in Rat Race Illustration

Working in one of the most corporate environments in America, Midtown NYC, it’s very easy to witness the rat race at work. Nothing exemplifies this more than exiting the crowded subway station in the morning, where you have tons of people squirming their way toward the bustling metropolitan horizon.

Everyone sort of looks the same. White-collar shirt, Windsor knotted tie, and usually a distressed or sleep deprived look.

This scenery is not very motivating. So I find that working out on a regular basis helps me combat the drudgery of a 9-to-5 commute. I feel refreshed and energetic and in an overall good mood when on my way to work.

That’s my inspiration for this illustration. The benefits you receive from working out help you manage your overall life, whether it’s work, personal, or social. Stylistically, I wasn’t too fond of the angular (and sterile looking) approach I took, but I feel that it conveyed the notion below very well:

The ‘Rat Race’ is just a little easier when you’re a ‘Gym Rat’

CrossFit – Beauty in Strength

I don’t do CrossFit (yet), but I can really appreciate this video.

It appeals to the hard work and dedication one applies to working out and eating healthy, which is something I can relate to. Also, it highlights a shifting aesthetic towards strong athletic woman to counterbalance the antiquated notion of dainty feminine beauty.


As a nutrition and fitness enthusiast, I am constantly looking for motivation while maintaining my diet/nutrition regiment and regular workouts. Nothing works better for me than viewing photographs and videos of individuals who embody this lifestyle. One major source of inspiration is PetiteFi (not sure what her real name is), as she works out hard and eats clean even harder. She is a true fitness rockstar.