First Podcast – Malcolm X & Self Help


Excited to announce my first podcast!

I’m inspired by self-help and personal development. I also love listening to spoken word and speeches from historical figures. I was listening to one of Malcolm X’s speeches and the idea for this podcast came to mind. Hope you like it, and I look forward to making another one.


The Drums – Days

DaysIn another installment of my illustration via song, I’ve chosen The Drum’s ‘Days.’ I am absolutely infatuated with Jonny Pierce. The transparency of his emotions in the songs he writes is remarkable. Where other songwriters may allude to how they’re feeling with the use of metaphors and similes, Pierce is unabashedly frank about his emotional and mental state. The band released a commentary version of the album Portamento, which includes Pierce’s explanation on how each song came to fruition.

‘Days’ is my personal favorite, and the inspiration for the illustration above. Pierce describes ‘Days’ as “… a song about two really different extreme emotions that I’ve gone back and forth with my whole life. I think I’ve always had a real fear of being left alone and part of me, this very needy part of me, sometimes feels like I can’t live without someone or something and I take it to such extremes.This song is about coming out of that feeling and out of that mindset and realizing that sometimes the things you think you can’t live without are actually things that you can live without and things you never actually needed in the first place. It’s a song about delusion and figuring out what’s actually important.” 

I’ve felt this way before, and it’s very exhilarating to come to terms with an epiphany like this. As the illustration suggests, it seems bleak and dark at first, but gradually things become manageable, brighter, and better.


And our days go by
And I never needed you
And our days go by
And I never needed you

And I worked so hard
And I killed myself
And you broke my bones
And I sold my soul

And our days go by
And I never needed you
And our days go by
And I never needed you

And I could have been your other
And I could have been your sister
Be your twin brother
I just wanted to be

And our days go by
And I never needed you
And our days go by
And I never needed you

We were just wasting time

And our days go by
And I never needed you
And our days go by
And I never needed you

And our days go by
And I never needed you
And our days go by
And I never needed you

Espiritu Santi


My younger brother has been musically talented/inclined for as far as I can remember. It seems that our parents produced two creatively adept children, one versed in the visual arts and the other in field of music. For various reasons, I neglected my pension for drawing, painting, and overall visual production.

My brother recently started a project under the name ‘Espiritu Santi‘ and completed a track called ‘Above Clouds.’ I felt this was a perfect opportunity for me to flex my creative (and rusty) muscles and develop some sort of visual imagery to accompany his tunes. Above are two concepts I came up with, just for fun of course. Hope you enjoy.