Intuition – Sculpture of a Woman

Sculpture of Woman OriginalSculpture of Woman

As I get older, I find myself attempting to fine-tune my intuition. Whether it’s through daily meditation or simply walking on a treadmill with my eyes closed, I’m practicing shutting off one internal sensory mechanism and learning how to just feel. This is more of an emotional exercise above all else. As a very visual person, I am easily swayed emotionally and psychologically by the things I see around me. Closing my eyes for a period of time allows me to just feel without it being the reaction of an after-thought or knee jerk reaction to visual stimuli. To me, this is what intuition is all about.

This is a random painting I made based on a photograph of a female sculpture. There’s no complex explanation about the subject matter; it’s simply what I just felt like painting. My intuition helped me create this painting.

Graffiti Art


As graffiti art becomes more mainstream and is thrust into the orbit of public acceptance it’s perceived classification of what constitutes “art” becomes muddied. Meaning, the real intricate and painstakingly laborious pieces are deemed meaningful while simple and quick markings are disregarded and seen as less artful, creative, or innovative. I don’t agree. I love all graffiti. I don’t see the distinctions between legitimate vs non-legitimate (aesthetically speaking) graffiti.

I created this piece to highlight this. “Tags” and “throw-ups” are simple designs within modern graffiti. Beauty in graffiti art doesn’t have to be complex, it can be a group of simple but beautifully placed lines and markings.