Feist Composite

Since starting this blog, I’ve learned to create for the sake of creating. If you wait around for inspiration to hit, you may end up waiting longer than expected for your muse to arrive. On the other hand, if you just create, then you’ll be way more productive and gain practice/experience in your craft. Sure, you might not be 100% in love with all the pieces you develop, but at least you’ll have an extensive catalog of work from which to choose a favorite piece.

Here, I just used a photo of singer-songwriter Feist and simply decorated it for no apparent reason. Create!

Black Heart

Whenever I get the sense that something is particularly overwhelming, instead of regression I seek the will to confront and resolve. What comes to mind is a black heart. Not in the sense of being callous, detached, or malicious, instead, I see it as a proactive stance against agitation (human and non-human) under the premise that one’s conviction will not waiver to fleeting or irrational emotions. That’s the gist of this illustration.