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I found a picture of a Buddha sculpture with a broken arm and became inspired. It was such a profound image. For me, the fractured or broken arm was a metaphor for external disturbances. Buddha’s meditative face was intact and exuded a calm and collected presence. This is one of the tenets of meditation. The act of becoming aware and mindful aids in letting go of external disturbances as we focus inward rather than outward.

It reminds me of when I was a child and would walk in on my father meditating. Just to be a brat, I would nudge him and try to wake him up. To my surprise he would stay in place and not move. Not sure if he used all his concentration to ignore my pestering or if he was genuinely in an elevated mind state where external disturbances were non-existent. One day through consistent practice I hope to achieve the latter. This painting is a visual reminder of the path I’m taking through consistent meditative practice.